If you struggle with chemical dependency, substance abuse, or addiction, this article is for you. Before the earth’s foundations were spoken into being, the Father predestined us for a future full of hope with Him (Ephesians 2:10; Jeremiah 29:11). The beauty of conversion and transformation remains that Jesus has esteemed us as chosen, royal, holy, and peculiar.
Often the enemy persuades us to focus more on our particular sin or stronghold of chemical dependency, but we must remember that all have sinned, and redemption is the greater story to be revealed more than individual proclivities (Romans 3:23). Our testimony will not look like everyone else’s, which is cause for celebration, not shame.
Emergence from darkness into Christ’s marvelous light is what testifies of God’s power and might in our lives beyond the mistakes and missteps in our lives (1 Peter 2:9).
As much as we’d like to escape it, the tension between spirit and flesh can vex us when we pursue sobriety. Some experience immediate change when they surrender chemical dependency to the Lord, while others walk out the miracle of transformation as a process.
On the surface, it seems there is no reasonable explanation for those of us who continue to do what we don’t want to do. The Apostle Paul addressed the tension between good and evil, in the verse below, accurately expressing what it’s like to wrestle with chemical dependency. He answers our anguish with hope in Jesus Christ as our Deliverer.
For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin. – Romans 7:19, 24-25, ESV
Becoming more like Jesus unfolds in a step-by-step journey. You are continually conforming to the Image of Christ, even as you shed patterns of substance use and sabotaging habits. On what feels like your worst days, willingness to follow the Lord, in the presence of human weakness, brings the Strength of the Savior to bind itself to you.
This doesn’t eliminate challenges. It reflects God’s unmistakable work through the trials, triggers, and triumphs of freedom from chemical dependency’s stronghold.
Although the enemy would suggest that you haven’t made progress, shield your mind with Biblical truth and guard your heart with peace. When you are tempted to hang your head in shame, keep looking up to Jesus who has championed you and defeated every foe.
Even if you fall along your sobriety journey, keep getting up, taking the hand of the sponsors who have traveled this familiar path and can help you walk it. Undoubtedly, moments will present when you would rather curse the process and abandon faith, but persist, lifting praise and prayer. You can move forward knowing that you are more than a conqueror through Christ, even at your lowest moment.
Next steps to overcome chemical dependency
Everyone’s sobriety path differs. Though we may be tempted to compare experiences, we must remember that the Lord delights in our way. He orders our steps, guiding us at His desired pace. We may fixate on what seems like slow progress, but we must redirect attention to the Source and receive the resources needed to run our race.
Contact us at Irvine Christian Counseling in California to schedule an appointment for support with your next step along the journey out of chemical dependency.
“Plants”, Courtesy of Brina Blum, Unsplash.com, CC0 License
Kate Motaung: Curator
Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging...
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