Today’s world is uncertain and fast-paced. As a result, many of us often lie awake at night worrying. The crippling cost of living has left the average person barely scraping by and failing to make ends meet. Debt and other financial concerns, crime and the safety of our children, political and social unrest, physical health concerns, and self-image are some of the top worries that weigh heavily on people’s minds.

One of the biggest drivers of worry is feeling out of control or uncertain about present or future circumstances. In many cases, however, our worry is due to the human tendency to overthink. We imagine the worst-case scenarios which often clouds our ability to be objective about our situations. What if we told you that the respite to excessive worrying can be found in the Scriptures. Let us explore some Bible verses about not worrying that will be helpful in fighting anxiety.

Bible Verses About Not Worrying

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you: he will never leave you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV

This verse acknowledges two of the most common emotions we feel when we are worried, helplessness and fear. Through this verse, the Lord commands us to have inner strength and the courage to face challenges. God promises and assures us of his constant presence and protection no matter what situation we may face.

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. – Psalm 1-3, NIV

Given the high cost of living, most of us worry about putting food on the table and understandably so. However, through this verse we are reminded that God is a God of provision. Because He watches over us and understands our daily needs, we must trust in His ability to provide for our physical needs and our emotional needs as well. We need not worry because in Him there is rest and peace. All we need to do is exercise trust and complete faith in Him and He will do the rest.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7, NIV

There is no situation which is too big or too challenging for God, regardless of how it may look from our human perception. This is why we are commanded to bring before all before God. We are not just meant to bring some of our worries and problems which make us anxious.

We need to acknowledge that God is in control and to make that decisive action to surrender all of our problems to Him because He loves and cares for us deeply.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? – Luke 12:25, NIV

Put differently, worrying brings no value to our lives because ultimately our lives are in God’s hands. By asking this rhetorical question, the verse forces us to question why we waste time and energy worrying about things that are out of our control. The bottom line is our lives are in God’s hands. As believers, we must trust that His will is always good for us.

Christian counseling for anxiety

The reality of life is problems will always be a part of us. Regardless of social status, age, race, or religious belief, we all constantly have to deal with challenging times. If you find a tendency to worry and would like to redirect or reconstruct your thoughts more positively, it might be time to talk to a counselor for support beyond these Bible verses about not worrying.

Reach out to us at our offices today to schedule an appointment with one of the counselors from our directory. They are here to assist and help you.

“Purple Flowers”, Courtesy of Mason Field,, CC0 License
By Published On: August 5th, 20243.3 min read


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